Current systems that provide access to circulating tumor cells (CTCs) in the blood require a compromise on the quality of isolated cells because they use non-specific criteria (size-based methods) or are only valid for certain types of cells, also affecting their integrity (antibodies- based methods). Moreover, these processes not always enable the isolation of single cells, and when this is possible, it is burdened by considerable costs and time.
How our system was created
One of the answers to this question lies in a scientific fact known for almost a century: the characteristic of tumor cells to produce an acidic surrounding environment.
This peculiarity is common to different types of tumors, and the degree of acidity increases with their aggressiveness.
The process developed by Lighthouse Biotech is based on the altered metabolic activity of tumor cells that allows the recognition and isolation of each single and viable CTC.
Using microfluidic techniques, the cells present in a normal blood sample are each encapsulated in a single droplet.
After a few minutes, the cells metabolize the nutrients and produce waste, which diffuses into the droplet.
The tumor cell is distinguished from others because it produces acidic waste and can therefore be recognized by an optical system because a dye indicates the pH of the droplet, different from the others.
Once the acidic droplet is identified, an electrical impulse can extract the tumor cell from the droplet and isolate it in real-time in a container for analysis.
This is the heart of our technology, patented in the EU, US, CN, JP.
How it works
The instrument provides a grid of single cells in individual wells, the number of these cells, the metabolic value, and the image of each cell.

Each cell is encapsulated in a micro-droplet.

An optical system measures the pH of the droplets IDENTIFIES AND ISOLATES the acidic ones (tumoral).

The tumor cells that come out are single, viable, and unmarked.

Competitive Advantage
Top quality of biological material
individually isolated.
High efficiency
Exclusive data on the metabolism of cancer cells
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